LaWana Mayfield, a Democrat, represents District 3 on Charlotte City Council. Mayfield was elected in 2011 and is serving her first term. After the election Mayfield became Council’s 2nd African American elected female and the first Openly LGBT Elected Official in the City of Charlotte.

LaWana Mayfield_thumbMayfield currently serves on the Boards of Smart Start, Charlotte Mecklenburg Development Corporation, The Charlotte Lesbian and Gay Fund and the Junior League Advisory Board.

Mayfield currently represents District 3 on the following Mayoral appointed committees:

Economic Development


Housing and Neighborhood Development

Prior to the 2011 elections LaWana Mayfield had over 15 years of activism and organizing to the Charlotte Community and beyond. Ms. Mayfield has served as a member of the Immigrant Solidarity Committee; which supports comprehensive Immigration Reform through the American Friends Service Committee.

Currently Mayfield serves on the Charlotte Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee (former) as the “Young Leaders” Sub-Committee Chair and the 2011 – 2012 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial facilitator; the Board of Advisor’s for the Charlotte Lesbian and Gay Fund as the (former) Grants Committee Chair.

I have served as the Human Rights Campaign Diversity Co-Chair, National Female Diversity Co-Chair and on the Diversity and Inclusion Council for a total of six years addressing the concerns in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

LaWana worked for the American Red Cross for seven years in their financial department as both an Accounts Payables and Account Receivables Specialist and volunteered with Disaster Services as a Client Casework Supervisor during the “Hurricane Katrina/Rita” disasters as well as the “Iowa Floods” prior to joining Grassroots Leadership as the Mecklenburg Justice Project Coordinator on a two year project working in the Hispanic and African Immigrant communities while building bridges in the African American and Hispanic communities.

My long term experience and commitment to the local diverse community has taught me the benefits of business and community partnerships. I believe my diverse experience has also taught me the value of listening to the concerns of the public and connecting those concerns with resources.